Weimaraners are highly intelligent. They are ranked as the 21st smartest dog in the world! That is 21 out of 360 breeds. The dog at the top of the list is the Bordie Collie, just to give you perspective.
Weimaraners are said to be “the dog with the human brain”. Anyone that has had a Weimaraner knows they have a unique way of connecting with their owners and family that goes beyond intelligence and shows remarkable intuition as well.
This breed can learn basic obedience well with consistent communication. They usually house-train quickly. Weimaraners love to have a “job” and learn tricks and be comedians. They will learn what makes you laugh!
Since they learn so quickly, they will also get bored when practice is too long. A bored Weimaraner will act up on purpose and try to trick you for their own gain. Especially when more treats are involved! At first this is cute, but a long-term Weimaraner who does not get enough mental stimulation and exercise can become destructive. Please be committed to engaging your Weimaraner in active mental and physical fun daily. They are VERY athletic and require lots of exercise! Try these Weimaraner Brain Games!
It has been said that the Weimaraner has the brain capacity for vocabulary similar to a 2 year old human child. That’s a lot of words learned that can be used in a variety of contexts and the Weimaraner flawlessly manages it all, from commands and obedience to playful conversation. Nothing compares to the intelligence and intuition of this breed.
Other Weimaraner Facts: