Train Your Dog Month: Dog Training “Sit” Command

Train Your Dog Month: Dog Training “Sit” Command

When to Start Training

When people first get a dog, they often want know when to start training.  The answer is simple – you can start right away!  There are easy, fun ways to train a dog that don’t feel like training.  Training does not have to be this formal, class-structured, authoritarian rigid program.  Dog training has come so far over the last thirty years.  Below there is a video with an 8 week old puppy, training should start as soon as you get the dog and is now more play-based, laid back and casual.  Professionals know, no one, human or dog, can learn well when the stress levels are too high.


What Command Should I Start Dog Training?

We recommend starting with the “Sit” command.  It is a good first command to achieve reliably.  It is the basis for many other commands, experiences, and tricks.  Building a strong “sit” reliability, creates a strong foundation for everything else you do or will be doing with your dog over their lifetime .

How do I start Training My Dog To Sit?

Here’s a video on how to teach your puppy to sit.

Training a older dog to sit is generally the same.  At first give lots of treats, be interesting and fun.  Like baby humans, dogs are captivated by your high-pitched, excitable voice tones.  They sense that you are happy and that they are pleasing you when you react this way to them.  It will encourage them to keep up the good work.  As your dog really starts understanding the “sit” command.  You can start weening the treats.  Make sure you still use the same hand commands and do not lean to far forward without the treat or raise your head or chin more than usual.  Really make sure the rest of your body is in the same neutral position when you give treats as when you don’t give treats.  This insures consistency, and avoids confusion for your dog.

Did You Know There Are 25 Reasons To Make Your Dog Sit?

Lastly, here at 25 fantastic reasons to make your dog learn to sit.  Any and all of these are great ways to make your dog sit prior to engaging in the activity, trick or reward.  That is so much sitting!  Yes, it is, generally a well trained dog will sit multiple times a day on command.  It’s like a very polite person would say “please” and “thank you”, a polite dog should sit before engaging.

25 Uses for the “Sit” command

How many do you use daily out of 25?



Train Your Dog Month

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National Train Your Dog Month



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