Canine Fitness Fridays: How FitBark 2 Benefits Senior Dogs

Canine Fitness Fridays: How FitBark 2 Benefits Senior Dogs

My friend Raeleen has a Lhaso Apso named Jack. She uses Fitbark 2 to monitor Jack’s activity, play and sleep patterns. Jack is a senior Lhaso at 13 years old. He enjoys walks and is still in good health.

Jack’s first day with FitBark! It was only a few minutes in, so sleep score and health index are N/A – not applicable because the technology needs time to calculate these scores

Jack’s First Day With FitBark 2

Jack was excited to start his first moments with FitBark 2 – he even got a fresh Puppy Cut for the occasion! Jack’s owner helped him upload a picture profile for the free FitBark app activity tracker. Now, with his profile was all ready to start tracking! Even being a rarer breed, Jack’s stats were able to be compared with data for his age, gender and breed to calculate his daily achievements. Considering that he is older, activity monitoring is important to track how Jack is doing with his mobility and sleep patterns. Consistency is good, he is maximizing his retirement and is fairly comfortable. A change in his consistent patterns may indicate a change is his overall health.

Let’s Follow Jack’s Results

By the second day wearing his FitBark 2, the FitBark app was sending Raeleen notification that Jack was meeting certain health and fitness goals! This was exciting to see that even at his age, Jack was keeping up with general trends of other Lhaso Apso’s. Raeleen felt reassurance that Jack was comfortable and happy.

After 24+ hours the FitBark 2 with Bluetooth connection to the free FitBark app has started to tabulate real results for Jack – see his success!

FitBark 2 Quality Care

The FitBark 2 is a light-weight, discreet device that is worn on Jack’s collar. It is comfortable even for a smaller dog like Jack. The device is water proof and only needs charging about once every 6 months. One FitBark 2 can give you valuable dog statistics for the life of your dog. Investing in your family dog’s health and wellness is priceless.

Explore FitBark 2 for your dog

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