This article was awarded by Ezine Articles, Yuliss is an Expert Platinum Level Author on Dogs since 2009
Getting a Diagnosis
Bilateral Proprioceptive Stall in Aging Dogs
Titan has recently been diagnosed by his veterinarian with bilateral propriocetive stall (BPS). Titan is nearing his twelfth birthday so he is pretty old for his breed. BPS does not just affect older dogs, it has multiple causes and can affect dogs at any age for various reasons. Titan’s signs and symptoms of BPS are:
- Tripping
- Slipping
- Leg collapse
- Inability to coordinate body movements
- Difficulty walking up or down stairs
Causes of Bilateral Proprioceptive Stall
BPS can be caused by:
- Acute inflammation along the spinal cord
- Disruption of nerve transmission along the spinal tract
- Tumors
- Injury
- Nerve damage
- Infection
BPS is diagnosed by a veterinarian based on:
- Reported signs and symptoms
- Abnormal neurological exam
- Scans such as X-ray or MRI
Some Treatment Options May Be:
Treatment for BPS consists of:
- Steroid medication
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Antibiotics for infection
Our Own Experience With BPS
Because of Titan’s age and good quality of life we are currently not treating his BPS. BPS is a progressive state in aging dogs and will continue to worsen over time. Titan and I return for veterinary check ups every six months to monitor his progress and re-evaluate his plan of care. Titan is still excited to go out for long walks and he eats well and drinks well on his own initiative. He does not have any pain in his back or limbs regardless of his current condition.
I am not a veterinarian. I am simply using my experience with my aging dog to share with you some of the exchanges that take place as dogs age in general. Please see your veterinarian for any questions or concerns regarding your dogs health, or if you think your dog might have BPS too.
What We Did to Support Titan’s Quality of Life
We had heard about therapeutic dog swimming lessons usually run through professional dog spas. Although we were skeptical, we also were desperate to promote Titan’s quality of life. We decided to try it. I have posted a few videos on Youtube about how this worked for us and viewers really see what is involved with a therapeutic swim to enhance muscle development and fitness, it’s not just splashing around for fun.
Supporting Your Dog Through BPS
Supporting your dog through BPS is a big decision. Some owner’s will make the decision not too. My wishes are to be unbiased and to support you in whatever decision you make. This is a PROGRESSIVE condition, and it is the beginning of elderly decline. You can prolong your dog’s quality of life by maximizing their fitness level through therapeutic swimming, you can have some symptomatic management. But you can only prolong their life and minimize suffering – you cannot cure the condition. Ultimately, it will result in incontinence of stool first, followed by urinary incontinence, and finally, behavioral changes like confusion, aggressiveness and loss of appetite and loss of interest in drinking until no quality of life remains. This is a time to make memories and decide what your limits are emotionally and financially. get professional help through the pre-grieving and grieving process if you need too.