Health Improved By Owning A Dog

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Health Improved By Owning A Dog

Human health improved by dog owning. Explore how your dog helps you get and stay healthy.  Studies from Michigan State University indicate that dog owners are  34 percent more likely to walk for a minimum of 150 minutes a week compared to non-dog owners.  They also found that dog owners were more active in their leisure time by 69 percent compared to non-dog owners.  Another study by University of Missouri found dog owners walked 28 percent faster on walks with their dog, while only 4 percent of people walked briskly when paired with another human partner.  These statistics are reassuring that dogs provide us with more than human companionship.  They add to our longevity by providing lasting health benefits.   Human health is improved by owning a dog,  dogs provide us with the motivation to be mindful of our own health.  Explore exactly how dogs help us strive for better health.


Dogs Provide Individualized Human Health Promotion

You wear an Apple watch or Fitbit device. You watch your steps, you watch how you eat. Your dog motivates you to keep getting out regardless of your endless schedule. Unlike a human friend or family member – your dog is consistent. Dogs don’t duck out to a movie, they hop with enthusiasm and cute nativity or, obnoxiously pester to get out and explore the world. Their loyal companionship is helping you live longer and healthier at any age regardless of your current health status.

Dogs Help Our Hormone Production

When you engage in simply petting your dog, you are releasing feel-good hormones medically termed, oxytocin. You are lowering cortisol secretion which is a hormone released when stressed. It can also promote the release of serotonin which helps you sleep better. You increase dopamine levels which stimulates your reward pathways and encourages you to continue to engage with your pup because it’s fun.

Does your dog make you laugh? Enjoy the flood of endorphins which serve to bond you both closer together. Your dog is lowering your risk of depression and anxiety, by helping you laugh off your stress and pressure of your day.

Owning a Dog Benefits Human Medical Health

Medical research reliably indicates that regular exercise has big health prevention benefits for your heart health. Exercising with daily brisk walks helps oxygen distribution throughout your body. This has a wonderful effect on vascular structures, and soft tissues and organs, by reducing inflammation in the body. It helps reduce adverse changes to blood vessel walls, making it easier for blood to flow and transport oxygen; while making it harder for blood to stick to vessel walls and coagulate – causing clots. Regular exercise is effective in preventing and reducing high blood pressure. Even if you are starting medications and focused on suggested nutritional diet plans, exercise is such an important aspect of holistic health.

FitBark Dog Activity Monitor

Dogs Help Older Adults Maintain Functional Abilities

Getting out and staying active to maintain strength and flexibility is important as we age. The goal is to prevent body weakness and loss of function. Frequent exercise in older adulthood encourages other healthy behaviors such as the ability to travel and socialize. It may seem like common sense, but it takes an active commitment to healthy routines throughout life to continue exercising into older adulthood.  Active older adults can significantly maintain their functional abilities and maintain their mental function well into older ages.

Dogs Provide Lasting Benefits for Human Health

Human health is improved by owning a dog. When you first decide to get a dog, you probably don’t make the choice solely for human health reasons. You probably chose to get a dog mainly for companionship, enjoyment, and even because you are responsible. As an added benefit, your dog significantly lowers your risk of depression, anxiety, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.  And that cute face with those big round eyes – What’s not to love?!


Continued Reading


Are Dog Owners Healthier People?



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