I started this Best Family Dogs website way back in April 2009. At the time I had a 10 year old Wiemaraner, Titan. I started the website after someone I knew encouraged me to pick a topic and start blogging for fun. It just made sense to me that I would pick dogs as my topic. I thought, I’ve had a dog for 10 years watched him grow, I could probably share some experience about that.
I can’t believe that to this day I am still writing. It was never meant to be so long-term, but I fell in love with the ability to tell people what I know about dogs, I loved hearing from viewers and finding more answers to all my questions over the years!
As time has passed I have had opportunity to expand on my experiences. Children have given me the joy and the challenge of observing first hand what it is like to raise children with dogs, to experience an aging dog and how to support senior dog health, and finally, how to put a dog down.
Thank you for joining me here and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow my blog!