Therapeutic Dog Spa Swimming Lessons for Senior Dogs

Therapeutic Dog Spa Swimming Lessons for Senior Dogs

As Titan’s health continued to decline we started him in therapeutic dog swimming lessons at the local dog spa. The goal was to increase quality of life, mobility and longevity.

For other’s that are curious about what a therapeutic dog swim “looks like”, here you go! Notice how hard they work the dog. The buoyancy of the water helps relieve weight from tender joints. The weightlessness gives the dog back the ability to move less restricted and actually build strength back since they don’t have gravity and resistance like of land.

The swim leaves him exhausted, physically and emotionally. He sleeps for the rest of the afternoon and becomes stronger over the next few days. The results of one swim only last a few days, that’s why the swims need to be done about once a week to keep the strengthening and mobility consistent.

Have you done therapeutic swimming with your dog?

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