Feeding You and Your Dog
Next time you want to spice up your dog’s meal try adding herbs for a boost of flavonoids and antioxidants and a fresh burst of flavor! These 5 herbs have been deemed generally safe in dogs. See your veterinarian before starting if you like. Generally, you can use a small sprinkle or half a teaspoon of fresh or dried herbs for small dogs and about a teaspoon for larger dogs.

Oregano: Packed with antioxidants and flavonoids
Power of Oregano
Oregano: Oregano is not only tasty; this herb is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids and also has anti-microbial properties. Oregano is a non-toxic herb that facilitates digestion and helps with diarrhea and gas. For pets, you can get Oregano in a concentrated oil form. Oregano oil for pets comes with a dose dropper. Using one drop regularly helps dog digestion due to maximizing the anti-fungal action.

Rosemary: Powerful boost of vitamins
Detoxify with Rosemary
Rosemary: Rosemary is high in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Rosemary is an anti-oxidant, which helps detoxify cells. So a little sprinkle at flavor and maximizes health! This herb also contains iron, but the absorption is not effective enough to improve iron deficiency without other vitamin supplementation.

Basil: The Powerful Human & Dog Antioxidant
Basil Makes A Powerful Pesto Sauce
Basil: Basil is a tasty herb used in pesto sauce. This dog-approved green, leafy herb packs a powerful, anti-viral, antioxidant and antimicrobial punch! So why not use some for yourself and some to top off your dog’s meal too?!

Parsley: Garnish for digestion
The Secret of Parsley
Parsley: Parsley is often used as a garnish on human food – but did you know it is a common ingredient in dog breath freshener treats? That’s because parsley contains magical ingredients lycopene – repairs damage from free radicals, and carotene – metabolized to vitamin A and is important for health skin and mucous membrane tissues.

Peppermint Smells Great and Freshens breath
Fresh Breath Peppermint
Peppermint: This tasty herb does wonders for the digestive tract. It’s got a reputation for soothing upset tummies! Peppermint reduces gas, nausea and travel sickness. Veterinarian research is currently studying peppermint for use in dogs undergoing chemotherapy as it may contain radioactive properties, which may help with chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting when undergoing cancer treatment.
Herbs for You and Your Dog’s Health
Experimenting with herbs for your dogs health is generally safe in small quantities. If you have questions or your dog has underlying health concerns you can always discuss with your veterinarian before introducing herbs to your dogs nutrition. Whether you are buying the highest quality dog food you can find, making it all by hand from the freshest ingredients, or buying what you can afford, adding a small sprinkle of herbs, or oregano oil – is an easy fast way to provide and flavorful and nutritional punch to any meal!
Have you already tired any of these herbs in a recipe for your dog? How did it turn out?
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