Dogs & Pregnant Women
Ever wonder if your dog can tell you are pregnant? And just how much do they understand? Well dogs can tell when a human woman is expecting almost from the moment of conception because they are so in tuned to us. Whether you are thinking of getting pregnant, or you are pregnant, or just curious about dogs, this article will tell you what you want to know about dogs and human pregnancy.
How Dogs Know Human Women Are Pregnant
Dogs can tell a human woman is pregnant because of our:
Scent. A woman’s scent changes after becoming pregnant. It may not be obvious to her or other people, but dogs can pick up on even subtle changes
Hormones. A woman’s hormone levels start to change immediately after conception. This change is responsible for the change in scent and even changes to the woman’s behaviour and emotions.
Emotions. Dogs can intuitively connect with our emotions and regardless of how the pregnant woman feels, act appropriately. Some women suddenly feel care free and happier while others may just feel more emotional (or cry more easily)
Size. Obviously not at first. But as your pregnancy progresses your dog may even notice your increasing belly size.

How Did My Dog React?
Many women report that their dogs suddenly became more affectionate and more protective of them once they were pregnant. Or even reported that the dog’s behavior changed from being laid back to being much more alert, and over protective. So yes, dogs can sense human pregnancy, much earlier than people can. Often before the parents even know they are expecting.
My own experience has not been so extreme. Titan really didn’t act any different while I was pregnant. Except for one day where he seemed to finally notice my large belly and acted a little unsure of me until I reassured him. But he is a male dog and well into his senior years. Perhaps his gender and age played a large role in how he responded to the adjustment.

How Did Your Dog React To Your Pregnancy?